Sunday, 22 January 2012

Rare Activity - Recognized Worthy lesson

Yesterday(21-Jan-2012), I just thought of cleaning my room(Don't know...How many years was done earlier...!!!), looking at the items, which is applicable and usable for even today or not today. In case if it found to be unusable, then, wanted to discard it, so that new items could be accommodated.

In this exercise, all my computer / IT / Programming related books, or notes or Xerox copy information, became obsolete. But, on the other end, all my engineering related books, notes, Xerox copies, can be used, even today.

For an example, During my earlier part of my career, 'have worked with Oracle 8. But today Oracle 8 is nowhere. But the books related to 'Theory of Structures", remains the same, which can be referred and used by myself or any others.

During my earlier part of the phase, People use to appreciate me for my database knowledge and does not get noticed about my engineering skills. So, I use to feel engineering skills are not as important as with Data base skills.

Nowadays, the same treatment, has been extended to other new joiners.

So...My take here is...Sometimes, some things gets recognized quickly, does not mean that it would last forever, and also, some things, gets not noticed for the talents / skills, but would last forever.

Never be disheartened, for not getting acknowledgement(at times) from others, but be firm and deserving candidate, for capitalizing next swing of opportunity.


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