In the corporate world, when companies, becomes big, bigger, we have relatively more hierarchies and heads. This additional hierarchy objective is to, anticipating more review, detailed analysis, hoping for different perspectives. But in reality, these hierarchies, influence as an overhead, not more than that. If the organizations, are NOT matured, and does not have detailed roles & responsibilities, then, expect only nightmare as news.
In most of the so called big organizations, the additional hierarchy, who play the role between operations to strategy, quiet tend to be inoperative state. The moment if we see any concerns or problems or constraints or any mess-up with client management team, they take the side of strategy team, and move the responsibility and authority to the operations team. They would not participate into any resolution activities, but try to provides lots of Lip service in the back-end only.
Once the task is over, concerns are addressed, problems / constraints are resolved, they would come into light, without any shame, dignity and act as if they have done all wonders. Its something, owning a baby, without working for it. Anyhow, based on today's corporate comedy scene, they are known to be leaders.
In my opinion, the role is inoperative. period. Actual expectations, would be, they should have jumped into the situation, and guide the entire operations team, by providing appropriate confidence & motivation. That spirit is known to "Lead by Demonstration". If any other appropriate professionals, move those activities to any other subordinate(scape goat), in the name "Delegation" and stay away from the scene, then,its called, "Lean by Delegation".
Based on my observations, around 30 to 40 percent of senior management team, operate in this fashion.This was consolidated as collection from different perspectives from different sources, different type of companies, different type of industries, at different regions.